Adonis Deking is an artist based in Massachusetts who specializes in oil paint. His formal career as an artist began in Savannah, GA, with oil paintings of nature landscapes and animals. As his work gained notability and a large amount of his originals sold, he moved to Boston to further develop his career.
His work has been shown in numerous businesses and galleries across the United States. Adonis lives a minimalistic lifestyle, choosing to give away most of his original paintings after they’ve been completed. He only uses one set of paint brushes that is used to make all of his paintings.
Savannah College of Art and Design, BFA Fine Arts (2022)
Nature Churchwood Gallery, North Attleboro MA (July 2023)
Professional Teaching Experience
Instructor Churchwood Gallery, North Attleboro MA (2023)
Art Therapy for Nurses Baypath, Charlton MA (2024)
Accepted Students Art Night Baypath, Charlton MA (2024)
Media Appearances
Art on the Air Podcast WRUU 107.5 Savannah GA (July 2022 and July 2023)
North Star Reporter Online Publication (July 2023)
The Sun Chronicle Online Publication (July 2023)
The Auburn News Page 3 (June 2024)
The Webster Times Page 3 (June 2024)
Stonebridge Press Page 4 (August 2024)